Title: Court of the Undying Seasons
Author: A.M. Strickland
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Release Date: May 16, 2023
Genre(s): YA Fantasy
Author: A.M. Strickland
Publisher: Feiwel & Friends
Release Date: May 16, 2023
Genre(s): YA Fantasy
In becoming a vampire, I’m less than a girl. And more.
Or maybe I’m becoming what I always have been,
deep inside.
A blade.
When nineteen-year-old Fin volunteers to take her secret love's place in their village's Finding, she is terrified. Those who are chosen at the Finding are whisked away to Castle Courtsheart, a vampire school where human students either succeed and become vampires, fail and spend the rest of their lives as human thralls...or they don't survive long enough to become either.
Fin is determined to forge a different learn how to kill the undead and get revenge for her mother, who was taken by the vampires years ago. But Courtsheart is as captivating as it is deadly, and Fin is quickly swept up in her new world and its inhabitants - particularly Gavron, her handsome and hostile vampire maker, whose blood is nothing short of intoxicating. As Fin begins to discover new aspects of her own identity and test her newfound powers, she stumbles across a string of murders that may be connected to a larger ritual - one with potentially lethal consequences for vampires and humans alike. Fin must uncover the truth and find the killer before she loses her life...or betrays her own heart.
Or maybe I’m becoming what I always have been,
deep inside.
A blade.
When nineteen-year-old Fin volunteers to take her secret love's place in their village's Finding, she is terrified. Those who are chosen at the Finding are whisked away to Castle Courtsheart, a vampire school where human students either succeed and become vampires, fail and spend the rest of their lives as human thralls...or they don't survive long enough to become either.
Fin is determined to forge a different learn how to kill the undead and get revenge for her mother, who was taken by the vampires years ago. But Courtsheart is as captivating as it is deadly, and Fin is quickly swept up in her new world and its inhabitants - particularly Gavron, her handsome and hostile vampire maker, whose blood is nothing short of intoxicating. As Fin begins to discover new aspects of her own identity and test her newfound powers, she stumbles across a string of murders that may be connected to a larger ritual - one with potentially lethal consequences for vampires and humans alike. Fin must uncover the truth and find the killer before she loses her life...or betrays her own heart.
This book is the definition of enthralling. Firstly, the writing style was so captivating and descriptive, making it both easy to devour and transporting. The set up of the court system and world building took some adjusting but it was so interesting that I never got bored during explanations. The author is not afraid to dig into the dark and gritty nature of the characters from the very start. I LOVED how inclusive the vampire culture was concerning the (many!) queer characters. It was very natural but refreshing in a fantasy like this one for sure. It was so magical arriving to Courtsheart and seeing Fin discover her strengths through the vampire schooling and tasks. This story has Dark Academia, castles, vampires, slow burn romance, court systems, murder mystery, ballroom dancing, and so much more! I have read a lot of books about vampires and this is definitely one of my favorite versions, from the "turning" process and the maker/novice set up, it was so GOOD and unique! My main takeaway from reading was how atmospheric this novel was. I was sucked into a new world and I really felt like I was there. While I am still recovering from the ending, I think this book could be perfect for so many fellow readers! Imagine Zodiac Academy mixed with Vampire Academy and a touch of A Court of Thorns and Roses? If you like the sound of that, definitely check this one out!
Thank you to Turn the Page Tours and the Author for having me on the tour! I received an e ARC in exchange for my honest review. ALL opinions are my own.
AdriAnne Strickland was a bibliophile who wanted to be an author before she knew what either of those words meant. She shares a home base in Alaska with her husband, her pugs, and her piles and piles of books. She loves traveling, dancing, vests, tattoos, and every shade of teal in existence, but especially the darker ones. She is the author of In the Ravenous Dark, Beyond the Black Door, and the forthcoming Court of the Undying Seasons.
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